The largest, brightest Super Moon of 2020 rose in the night sky on 7 April over hushed cities, stilled factories and countries in lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak that has affected close to two million people so far.
Dark side with the brightest possibilities | Covid-19 Special Focus
Just like the dark side of the Moon, “everyone is selling” is a technically flawed statement. It’s important to remember that investing is a long-term game and panic selling can do more harm than good to an investment journey.
Navigating the current ‘Infodemic’ | Covid-19 Special Focus
With so much to decipher on a daily basis, between the stock market and the number of new COVID 19 cases confirmed, it is at times like these that our worst behavioural impulses come to pass due to the overload of information.
Market Falls & Recoveries | Covid-19 Special Focus
An important part of our role at Stewart Group is to give our clients the confidence that it is sensible and prudent to remain disciplined when stock markets are volatile. We think this video will hopefully add to that confidence.
Pandemic, the markets, and your money | Covid-19 Special Focus
There is currently a lot going on: coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, market volatility, interest rate cuts, cancelled meetings, oil supply war and the upcoming US election. In short, COVID-19 presented a new variable, one not on anyone’s radar. So what does this mean for your investments, your business and for the economy?
Pandemics versus market performance | Covid-19 Special Focus
Memories of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Avian Flu and the Ebola outbreaks are being rekindled with the spread of coronavirus and global stock markets are reacting. Let us see how two global equity markets; the S&P 500 and the UK equity market performed around these three significant outbreaks.