As Dan Solin (author of ‘The Smartest Investment Book You'll Ever Read’) astutely observes, "The financial media is not your friend. Its primary goal is to separate you from your money."[I]
7 Lessons on Volatility
Everyone is an expert after the fact. Predicting the future is nigh impossible, but it’s quite easy to look back and say “we saw that coming” when making a call on either the behaviour of markets, or economic factors.
To Catch a Falling Knife
Financial markets are one of those things that move fast and slow at the same time. Not much happens in the short-term, yet so much happens over longer periods of time. We get so caught up in and sweat the small stuff that we miss the forest for the trees.
Inflation, the Rising Tide
When the Earth, moon, and sun are just so, you get a king tide – which can be a very real issue for those dwelling along the coast. With the rapid swell of inflation, we can see a similar effect.
The Value in Going Off-Script
No script is perfect on first draft. Even iconic films like Casablanca underwent several changes – it was originally a play called Everybody Comes to Rick’s when Warner Bros purchased it in 1940.
The rising cost of living
A report by the New Zealand Initiative states households are spending an extra $3000 or more a year on essentials, with a third of the increase being due to higher transport costs.
When it Rains, it Pours
A Consumer NZ sentiment tracker recently reported that 15 per cent of New Zealanders have no savings, 27 per cent were anxious about the level of their savings, and one in ten of the respondents indicated spending more than they saved over the past three months.
Coffee Conversations
Over the course of our lives, there are many uncomfortable questions and conversations to be had. But it is safe to say, those dealing with financial well-being are perhaps the most persistent and difficult.
Good and getting better
Why would the couple in their 50’s have such a different outlook to the man in his 30’s? It’s hard to be a successful investor unless you’re an optimist. Firstly, if everyone does well, you’re likely to do better as an investor.
The lesser-known link between investment and return
"Investment" actually has two interrelated meanings: a physical investment (machinery, building, cars etc.) and financial investment (stocks and bonds), which lays claim on physical investment and the income (aka "return") it generates. So what is the lesser-known link between investment and return? Productivity.
Gifting that might be taking
New Zealand has remained prosperous for more than a decade if you're judging based on recessions, but it hasn't happened without creating wealth divisions. The property ladder issue has led to some parents feeling the need to help the kids reach the first rung. What are the issues?
True value creates true wealth
Finding the best place to put your investments and KiwiSaver can be tricky, but you don't have to do it alone. A financial adviser can help build a portfolio based on your risk appetite and goals. An adviser with a fiduciary duty will have tools to assess how much risk you are happy to take and develop a plan to reach certain milestones in your life.
Get ready for Life Two
If ever there was a word that needed to be retired it is retirement. What kind of mental picture does this word invoke up for you? Is it sunny beaches and no longer having to set an alarm clock? Or a stressful feeling about how much longer you will need to work to afford such a lifestyle?
Investing in fashionable technologies
Ever stopped to wonder why you’re using a particular new word or phrase? Or maybe you’re sitting in the back of some strange person’s Toyota, they’re driving you to some strange person’s house where you’re staying the night in their guest bedroom. How did that happen?
Financial & mental wellbeing go hand-in-hand
As a society, we are finally beginning to have more honest and supportive public conversations about mental health, but too often the connection between mental health and money hasn’t been recognised.